Tip of the day:

Online Gambling

The Nine of pentacles means easy money and online gambling is one way to get it... although very unlikely. Gambling online can be fun and lucrative but it can also be dangerously addicting, so beware. When betting online it is easy to get carried away and swept up in the joy of a big win and you will start betting more and more. There are many ways to place your bets at online casinos - but again, if you have problems with addiction, online gambling is not for you. If you think you can control yourself, then online casinos have been known to pay out big... but as they say, the house always wins - so be careful.

At an online casino you bet with real money but you can also play just for fun using digital cash. Online sports betting is one way you can make money if you don't like games like slots or poker. Sports casinos and MGM betting are two great choices for making some quick cash with online gambling.

Your Daily Reading:

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card

Standing on your own can be a frightening thing. It's part of what makes growing up such a challenge: we have to learn a whole new way of doing things, and finally disallow around parents from taking charge of our choices and lives. When we finally step out the door of our parent's home and into the realm of our adulthood, it can be utterly terrifying... but just as gratifying!

In the Nine of Pentacles, we see a beautiful woman amid a lush garden. The woman is lavishly adorned, sporting a long, flowing yellow gown and a noble hat. The garden itself is extremely abundant, overflowing with green leaves, red grapes, and shining coins. The woman even rests one hand on the topmost coin.

In her other hand, the woman holds a hawk or falcon, presumably used for hunting, a popular sport among noble ladies. Notably, the woman is alone, she has no guard, no male counterpart, and no other ladies to speak of.

The Nine of Pentacles is the card of standing on your own two feet. This woman can finally stand all on her own with no help or other assistance needed. She can manage on her own in her succulent garden – between the growing fruits and the bird of prey, she can have all the food she would ever need. This card is asking you to come into your own, and find ways to stand up all on your own.

The woman in the garden, alone with her hunting bird, represents a level of physical stability that can only be achieved on your own. Sometimes we need groups of people to help us get where we need to go. Other times we need guiding mentors to help us along the road and sometimes we achieve our goals all on our own. Celebrating with friends is a joy, but this kind of celebration of personal success is a different type of sweet that is worth experiencing.

Financial Success is Just Around the Corner

Lastly, the Nine of Pentacles speaks of achieving personal success. There are some goals that you might set for yourself that others may not or cannot understand. You want to pursue a world record, you want to get into a unique type of career, or maybe you simply want to achieve a certain type of internal, personal growth. All that matters is that you want that goal – don't let others talk you out of it! This card is saying you can succeed in that goal if you keep at it.

Here are some things to ask yourself when you see this card in your readings. What do you need to do to step into your own? Is there anyone you rely on too much? Who is making your choices – you, or someone else? What do you need to do to stand on your own two feet? How can you attain and maintain stability?

Many cards in the pentacles suit speak of wealth, prosperity, and success, but there are two cards outside of the suit that can be paired with the Nine of Pentacles – the Three of Wands and the Seven of Swords. The Three of Wands talks about personal power, and having the ability to blaze your own trail when needed – this goes right along with the stability and individuality expressed in the Nine of Pentacles. Likewise, the Seven of Swords can sometimes refer to needing to escape and to get out on your own, which the Nine of Pentacles card thoroughly endorses.

What Nine of Pentacles Means for You Today

When the Nine of Pentacles shows up in your reading it can be a very good sign that you are heading towards true independence. While this can often refer to money or a stable job, it can also mean that you are learning to follow your heart and no longer need anyone else to tell you how to move forward. This card is encouraging you to trust that the stability you need will be there even if you don't understand how it might come about. The woman in the card is not out running around like a chicken with her head cut off, chasing after money and security. She is enjoying and appreciating the world around her. Appreciate where you are and what you have and the universe will support you.